Todays world within Social Media

What is social media? To some it is just a way to stay connected with family or friends that may have moved away or just to busy with their lives to actually keep up with visiting someone.  To others it is a scary new thing that they may or may not want to be a part of.  With this being said the social media is growing more popular within the work place, as a part of promoting their business.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?  Well just like anything new there is always good and bad.  I feel that social media is good for business.  As we all know we get caught up in our daily things that we often forget about our local businesses, however it never seems that we “forget” to check our Twitter or  facebook page.  So I think that this is a great way to promote your business or even advertise great deals that we all know we look for when shopping for gifts or even to get a great deal on your families dinner for the night.

Well with anything new there always has to be a policy intact to make sure that it is being used properly and to lay down the rules so to speak. A corporate social media policy lets employees know what they need to know to communicate the company message effectively, and what they should and should not do  If you follow this link it will help you understand some of the policies that some companies have placed forward. It is beneficial for employees to have their input in to the companies’ social media.  They may have great insight and opinions to share with customers and clients. Employees are an amazing resource and can help you promote your business on social networks.

The lesson to learn from the examples of employee firings and how some companies have chosen to address social media is to make the policy as clear as possible.  

The best formats for this policy is to first state the policy and follow with a bulleted breakout of the key points.  Once the social media policy has been finalized it is important to let your employees know there has been a change to the employee agreement that each employee signed when they were hired. An e-mail or memo should be sent to all employees including a copy of the new policy or a link to where they can reference the policy.  Educating your employees on the social media policy will help to curb mishaps.  You can get a reasonable priced template download at

Social media can be a very helpful asset to your company as long as it is implemented well.  This is a growing industry so in order to stay up to date with people and businesses I suppose you will have to join the social media world.  The highest leading network as of 2013 is Facebook.


I have been a user of facebook for about 6 years now and I personally find it very nice to keep in touch with all of my family that has moved away and started families or for the ones that are still locally but just unable to keep in touch with.  So what are your thoughts on the social world??  #Cheermom

Holidays are Here

Wow!!! it’s so hard to believe that it is already November?!?!  Is it just me or does it seem like the year just began?? But on the plus side of things with it being November is the holidays, which will bring all of the Christmas classics on t.v.  Which ones would be on your list of favorites?  I would have to say one of my all time #1 as a kid would be Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  I mean how could you not love a red nosed reindeer that saves Christmas?!?!?! 🙂

Anyhow moving on to an adult and now having a daughter of my own I have to say two movies we never miss during the holidays is How the Grinch stole Christmas and The Elf.

  This has turned into one of our family traditions we always take one night and have a Christmas movie marathon with all of the holiday traditional snacks.  The snack list is usually the same every year hot chocolate with whipped cream and homemade sugar cookies. MMMM sounds yummy already.  What kind of snacks does your family enjoy?

Ok so enough about movies lol I must say that this has only made me more excited to do some more shopping.  I’ve been searching online for some great deals but yet to come across any that made me make a purchase that moment.   My eye has been on the lookout for a terrific deal on a tablet for my daughter.  Now I’m not looking to spend alot at this moment due to the fact she is still young but i want it to be good enough to do work on it for school, as we all know computers are gonna be needed at some point soon,  Any suggestions???? I just know that I am NOT a fan of any apple products so it must be an Android.  These are the two I have my eye on.

Larger Front

Kindle Fire HD

Any and all suggestions will be helpful.  In the meantime I will be researching more info on the parental controls and so forth before making my final decisions.. Happy shopping to you.

That’s a wrap on Cheering!!!

Well as you already know I have been bogging to you weekly about my life as a cheer mom.  Although cheerleading has been a lot of fun, all good things must come to an end, well our end is here.   We did end the cheering season with a BANG!!  The Mineral Ridge, Ohio little rams finished the season 7-1.  Way to go TEAM!! We won the Chili Bowl which is equivalent to the superbowl for some people.  What an awesome first season for my daughter to be a part of this team, I’m so proud of all the young men and ladies that showed up every week to show their hard work and dedication to this sport.

This is my daughter Jayden with her boyfriend her friend Taron, they both were so proud to be on another winning team together, since they finished up the soccer season winning the Championship also, maybe these two should keep playing sports together since they always seem to win.  So I guess we will see.


Well since cheering is over for us now, my mom decided she was taking Jayden away for the night to a waterpark in Sandusky, Oh and also to our cousins cheering competition the next day.  What a blast they had together not only at the waterpark but also watching all the cheerleaders compete.  This was a lot different than my daughters competition due to the fact that my cousin is on a strickly competition team so they do nothing other than compete.  GREAT news her team won 1st place and this was their first one of the season.

My cousin Layla and daughter Jayden after the competition for Xtreme Allstars team at Kalahari waterpark.  Now that competition is done they were on to some water fun to celebrate.


So this was pretty much a fun way to end the cheerleading season.  Hope you have enjoyed as much cheering as we have.


Weekend of fun

This weekend started out a little earlier than usual, Friday was early release day from school for my daughter.  We spent the day/evening just relaxing watching some spooky Halloween movies, eating homemade pizza and just having fun.  Some of the movies we watched included Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and of course one of my favorites The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.  I mean what is Halloween with out the Great Pumpkin right!?!?!?!?!

Now as you all know Saturday is usually game day for my daughter, however it was so cold outside and my daughter was not feeling the greatest so we decided to take the day off from cheering.  Thankfully we did because it was an hour drive to Salinevilles, Ohio and the weather was so cold and windy.

So instead of cheering, Jayden decided to go to a Halloween party with her grandma.  Since it was a last minute idea we had to come up with a costume and quick.  So we gathered some items that we already had at home and put a costume together.  I’m not sure exactly what kind of costume you would call it but it turned out very pretty.  I’m glad she found a friend to dance with and have so much fun.

Well with the kid gone for the night this gave me some time to go out with a couple of my friends for a few adult beverages.  It has been awhile since I’ve been out and of course was not planning on going anywhere, so I did not have a costume to wear, however a few of my friends did.  Let’s just say we had a really good time.

Sports, Sports, and more Sports

Well for those people who know me, know that I love to keep my daughter active in sports.  So with cheerleading almost coming to an end I can honestly say that it was a lot of fun, but very busy and expensive.  With this being said I had spoken to my daughter about maybe taking a break from after school activities untill after the New Year. What a great idea I thought.  Well that didn’t last, she came home from school yesterday with forms to start basketball.  Now don’t get me wrong I want her to keep active, but being a single mom these things aren’t cheap so now my decision is to play or not to play?? So I guess I need to reevaluate somethings and come to the decision soon.  Will update my decision as soon as I come to one.  Either way she will always be my superstar.


Weekend of Cheerleading

It was a cold start to a great weekend for cheerleading.  We started on Saturday morning with a home game vs East Canton.  This day was also our parent’s day for all of our little players.  Such a good day for our kids, but turned out to be a very cold and rainy day which in turn made it quit miserable to sit outside and enjoy the game.  With that all said and done with we continued on to the next day which was a lot nicer weather wise no rain but pretty chilly.  This was the day for the spirit day parade through Mineral Ridge.  I believe that all the kids enjoyed riding in the parade passing out candy to all the waiting parade watchers.  This concluded our weekend cheerleading and it is sad to know that this is all coming to an end very soon, but I guess it is onto the next sport.
