Weekend of fun

This weekend started out a little earlier than usual, Friday was early release day from school for my daughter.  We spent the day/evening just relaxing watching some spooky Halloween movies, eating homemade pizza and just having fun.  Some of the movies we watched included Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and of course one of my favorites The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.  I mean what is Halloween with out the Great Pumpkin right!?!?!?!?!

Now as you all know Saturday is usually game day for my daughter, however it was so cold outside and my daughter was not feeling the greatest so we decided to take the day off from cheering.  Thankfully we did because it was an hour drive to Salinevilles, Ohio and the weather was so cold and windy.

So instead of cheering, Jayden decided to go to a Halloween party with her grandma.  Since it was a last minute idea we had to come up with a costume and quick.  So we gathered some items that we already had at home and put a costume together.  I’m not sure exactly what kind of costume you would call it but it turned out very pretty.  I’m glad she found a friend to dance with and have so much fun.

Well with the kid gone for the night this gave me some time to go out with a couple of my friends for a few adult beverages.  It has been awhile since I’ve been out and of course was not planning on going anywhere, so I did not have a costume to wear, however a few of my friends did.  Let’s just say we had a really good time.